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May 13, 2021 - Regular Meeting


Updated: Mar 15, 2022

The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Ed Golden, Fred Lorenz, Mark Helwick and Dean Webb. Also in attendance were Mackenzie Rakness, Paige Rakness, Irene Archibald, Chris Karajanis, Manny Gutierrez, Lee Ann Stephenson, Helen Weiland, Allison Velez, Matt Strawn, Byron Barkhurst, Jon Nelson, Dana Davis representing the Saratoga Sun, and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

MINUTES: Webb moved with Helwick seconding to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2021 regular meeting. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Lorenz moved with Golden seconding to approve the financial statement as written and payment of bills in the amount of $11,850.95. The motion passed. Lorenz moved with Golden seconding to approve a Specific Purpose Tax payment of $95,311.04. The motion passed.


Mackenzie Rakness: Mrs. Rakness came before the council to say she would like to see new play structures at Rick Martin Memorial Park, but she did not know where to start. She said she would like to see updated, safer equipment. Mayor Stephenson told her council members thought about new equipment a few years ago, but there was no imput from the public. There was discussion about using impact funds from the Chokecherry Wind Project for park improvements. Park maintenance supervisor Helen Weiland asked where the new equipment would go and said people come to the park to specifically to slide down the old, metal slide. During high water there are areas of the park that are boggy. There was talk about the proposed new rest rooms and where to put a new building . Weiland also said any new equipment cannot interfere with the disk golf course. Stephenson thanked Mrs. Rakness and suggested she become a citizen adviser to the council on the park.


CCCOG: No report.

SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: Riverside Representative Helen Weiland told the council there will be a budget workshop at 5:00 pm and regular meeting at 6:00 pm both at the Riverside Town Hall. She said there have been changes in the management of the service.

PARKS: There was discussion concerning the proposed new restroom and new playground equipment.

SEWER: No report.

STREETS: Lorenz told the council John Anderson has completed the grading. He said he called Locate to find lines on 4th Street. He would like to repair the ditch near the Gutierrez residence, but cannot get the telephone lines marked.

SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Lee Ann Stephenson told the board replacing all water meters will begin in August 2021. The meters will be delivered on May 14, 2021. Jon Nelson told the council there should be little disruption of water service when meters are installed. He estimated 15-20 minutes per meter to replace. Stephenson said the board is discussing an increase in water rates-the last increase was 10 years ago. A public hearing on the rate increase will be June 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall. Manny Gutierrez said he has an abandoned water vault on his property. He requested that someone from the water district come look at it. Mayor Stephenson said it was not part of the water system and was probably an old well or a holding tank. Gutierrez said he will put a metal cover on it and anchor it.

SPECIFIC PURPOSE TAX: Sierra Madre Water and Sewer District will receive a check from the Town of Riverside for $93,311.04. This is a payout from taxes collected since July 2020 Irene Archibald told the council.

MOSQUITO: Weiland said she has been putting granules in the standing water around Riverside.

90 DAYS DELINQUENT: No report.

ZONING/BUILDING: Carbon County Weed and Pest; Chris Karajanis; White Stone Properties: CARBON COUNTY WEED AND PEST: The clerk told the council she received the sewer tap application from Carbon County Weed and Pest. Discussion centered around the foundations of the buildings. The buildings will be skid buildings. Helwick voiced concern about setting a precedence with this type of building. Golden moved with Webb seconding to approve the building permit of Carbon County Weed and Pest with the stipulation there be a hard sewer connection to the building and that the sewer be underground. The motion passed 3-1, with Helwick voting no.

CHRIS KARAJANIS: Mr. Karajanis told the council he purchased property just north of the rodeo grounds. He would like to “move dirt” and install the sewer and utilities. He said he would like to build a private RV park for him and some of his friends. The private park would be 4 pads 20 feet apart -dry camping. Golden told him he would not approve the proposal without a plat. The council agreed Karajanis needed a map with all the proposed improvements on it. Manny Gutierrez volunteered to help him with the measurements and stakes. There was no action on the Karananis building permit pending more information.

WHITE STONE PROPERTIES: Byron Barkhurst told the council, he is purchasing the property located at 80 Riverside Ave., and is planning to construct a coffee shack and eventually have RV spots for weekend stays. There was discussion about the water and sewer to the property-there is a well on the property. Barkhurst said he believes there is sewer also, but will have to check for certainty. He also said the entrance to the coffee shack will be from Third Street, with the exit on Fourth Street. Webb expressed concern that the property has not closed escrow, so Barkhurst is not the legal owner. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the building permit contingent upon Barkhurst becoming the owner of the property. The motion passed.

ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.

ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda.


CARBON COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: The clerk told the council they were invited to the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of the MHCC Health Center on May 14, 2021. Lee Ann Stephenson said the event had been postponed because construction was not complete. Byron Barkhurst said the grand opening will be rescheduled.

MARK RAUTERKUS: Mr. Rauterkus sent a letter to the council requesting the town have a street light installed at the intersection of Carbon Street and Highway 70 on the west side of the highway. Helwick spoke in favor of the request, saying Rauterkus has spent a lot of money to support Riverside and the town should not miss the opportunity to help Rauterkus and the Town of Riverside. There was discussion about the lack of light on the east side of Riverside on Highway 70 making it difficult to see Carbon Street. The only light on Highway 70 is at the Intersection of Highway 70 and Highway 230. Webb was opposed to the request saying if “you do it for Mark” what happens when the next person asks? Helwick moved with Golden seconding to put a light on the east side of Highway 70 and Carbon Street, on the southeast corner. The vote was 3-1 with Webb opposing. The motion passed.

GRAND ENCAMPMENT COWBOY GATHERING: The council received a letter from Katie Stremel, stating the gathering is back after being postponed last year. The Saturday night music show will be in the Town of Encampment park and there will be no charge to attend. Helwick moved with Golden seconding to contribute $500.00 to the event. The motion passed.


ORDINANCE 227-FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 BUDGET-SECONDING READING: The clerk told the council she had made changes to the park budget to make room for possible bathroom remodeling. She also made changes to the amount in the Specific Purpose Tax line, taking out the total amount of the project. Budgeted was the debt service payment. There was talk of more budgeted for street improvements Webb suggested adding another $10,000.00 to the street maintenance budget. Webb moved with Golden seconding to approve Ordinance 227 on Second Reading. The motion passed.


SET FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 MIL LEVY-8 MILS: Golden moved with Webb seconding to set the mil levy at 8 mils for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The motion passed. The clerk will send a letter to Carbon County Clerk Gwynn Bartlett.

SPECIAL PERMIT REQUEST-COTTONWOOD CABINS BY ALLISON VELEZ AND MATT STRAWN: Ms. Velez and Mr. Strawn were in the audience and told the council they fell in love with the valley last year and would like to retire here. Mayor Stephenson welcomed them to Riverside. He said a special use permit cannot be issued without a public hearing. The hearing date has been set for May 27, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall. Flyers are posted around Riverside and at the Encampment Post Office and there is a legal notice in the Saratoga Sun running for three weeks. Velez and Strawn will be unable to attend the hearing in person, but will call in.

CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING-MAY 18, 2021-2 PM: The clerk told the council the county commissioners will conduct their regular meeting at the Riverside Town Hall. All council members are invited to attend.

Golden asked Mayor Stephenson if letters asking the junk be cleaned up had been written to the owners of properties on Riverside Avenue. Stephenson said he wrote letters, but the owner of one of the properties has died and the letter was returned. He spoke to the executrix of the property and was told who to contact. The owner of the other property is in another state and will not be back to Riverside until midsummer. The owner has contacted someone and cleanup has started. The council instructed the clerk to find addresses of the renters so another letter for cleanup can be written.

With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Jana C. Cook ____________________________

Leroy Stephenson, Mayor

Approved: June 10, 2021


Jana C. Cook

There will be a Public Hearing Thursday May 27, 2021 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall to discuss the special use permit for Cottonwood Cabins. There will be a Special Meeting for the Special Use Permit immediately following the Public Hearing.

The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be Thursday June 10, at 6:00 pm. At the Riverside Town Hall.

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