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January 13, 2022 - Regular Meeting


The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Fred Lorenz, Ed Golden and Mark Helwick. Also present were Helen Weiland, Lee Ann Stephenson, Stayton Mosley and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

MINUTES: Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2021 regular meeting as presented. The motion passed.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: There was discussion on how to enter the transfers from the general fund into the WYOSTAR and WGIF accounts. The clerk will make the necessary changes. Lorenz moved with Golden seconding to approve the financial statement with the transfer changes and pay bills in the amount of $49, 471.33. This amount includes a payment of $34,814.87 to Game Time for new playground equipment.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Mayor Stephenson introduced Helen Weiland who introduced Stayton Mosley, new Director of the South Central WY Emergency Medical Service. Mayor Stephenson also introduced Lee Ann Stephenson.


CCCOG: No report. The next meeting in January 19, 2022 in Rawlins.

SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: Director Mosley told the council he previously had been employed in Denver and in Craig. He is starting an EMT class, the enrollment deadline being January 14, 2022. He will also conduct First Aid and CPR classes soon. Weiland told the council the addition to the Saratoga building is up, but not finished on the inside.

PARKS: New Playground Equipment; 2022 Riverside Party Day; CC Recreation Board Grant: The clerk told the council the lead time for the new equipment is approximately 12 weeks, so we can plan on last of March, first part of April for arrival. There was discussion about the Riverside Party Day with the clerk suggesting possibly moving the date or getting a different band. It was decided to keep the same third Saturday in August (August 20, 2022) and Lee Ann Stephenson will contact High Plains Tradition to again play. It was decided to again request funds for the park employee and pay for the party day band in the Carbon County Recreation Board grant. The council also approved a request from Helen Weiland to look for a zero turn, high level lawn mower.

SEWER: No report.

STREETS: The council agreed that Cory Nuhn is doing a great job keeping the streets clear of snow. Lorenz told the council there is a possibility that John Anderson will have his gravel crusher operating by spring.



MOSQUITO: The clerk told the council the Wyoming Department of Agriculture accepted Riverside’s final report.



ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.

ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: The clerk told the council the annual Encampment-Riverside dog licensing clinic will be February 19, 2022 in Encampment. She said she probably will not attend because no Riverside dog licenses have been sold at the last two clinics.

Mayor Stephenson told the council they were invited to the soil conservation district open house on January 25, 2022. Councilman Golden brought up the redistricting proposal. There was a discussion about the proposal. Mayor Stephenson urged the council to write to their elected officials to voice concerns.


BANK OF COMMERCE: No action was taken on the depository application.

ROCK CREEK ENERGY PROJECT: The council received information on the proposed wind energy project.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.


2022 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES: The council disclosed in writing they have received no pecuniary benefit or have financial interest in Bank of the West, WYOSTAR or Wyoming Government Investment Fund. This action is pursuant to W.S. 6-5-188(a).

With no further business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47 pm.

Jana C. Cook _____________________

Clerk/Treasurer Edward Golden, Mayor Pro Temp

Approved: February 10, 2022.


Jana C. Cook


The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be February 10, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.

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