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February 9, 2017 - Regular Meeting


Updated: Mar 15, 2022

The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Pro Tem Fred Lorenz presiding. Council members present were Ed Golden and Liz Swynarczuk. Also present were Fred Broschart representing the Saratoga Sun and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Lorenz led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

MINUTES: Swynarczuk had one correction. She pointed out she was not a council member at the beginning of the January meeting and should not be listed as such. Golden moved with Swynarczuk seconding to approve the minutes with the correction. The motion passed.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Swynarczuk moved with Golden seconding to approve the financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $13,135.30. The motion passed.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Lorenz introduced Broschart as the only guest.


SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: Council reviewed the minutes of the November and December 2016 meetings. The clerk told the council that Leroy Stephenson had spoken to Riverside Representative Kelly Ralston, and she said she would like to continue as the representative.

PARKS: There was discussion about purchasing picnic tables for Rick Martin Memorial Park. The clerk will call Clint Bromley at Encampment High School to see if the shop students could build the tables. There was more discussion about tee boxes for the disk golf course and the installation of a dog waste station. The clerk told the council Helen Weiland would like to work in the park again this next summer.

SEWER: No report.

STREETS: Cory Nuhn has been plowing the snow from the streets.

SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: The council reviewed the minutes of the January 2017 regular meeting and public meeting.

MOSQUITO: No report.


CORRESPONDENCE: CARBON COUNTY LIBRARY FOUNDTION: Council read a thank you letter from the foundation. 2017 Governor’s Prayer Breakfast: Council received an invitation to the breakfast. No one from Riverside will attend.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: CONSENSUS FUNDING PROJECT: Items for Rick Martin Memorial Park were discussed earlier.

CONTINENTAL DIVIDE NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL DESIGNATION: Discussion tabled until the March 2017 meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: Specific Purpose Tax Renewal-Possible Projects: Lorenz told the council there had been discussion at a COG meeting concerning another specific purpose tax. The clerk will call Carbon County Clerk Cindy Baldwin and see if she has any information.

GUTIERREZ WOOD BURNING STOVE: Golden told the council there is nothing in the zoning ordinance that would prohibit Gutierrez from using the outside wood burning stove. Gutierrez will have to submit a building permit for the outside structure and adhere to the setbacks.

OLD TOWN HALL LIGHT PROBLEM: The clerk told the council there had been a problem with the lights in the old town hall, but the problem had been corrected.

PROCLAMATION-NATIONAL SERVICE DAY APRIL 4, 2017: Swynarczuk moved to approve a proclamation from the National League of Cities declaring April 4, 2017 National Service Day. Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed. With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Jana C. Cook, Clerk/Treasurer

Fred Lorenz, Mayor ProTem

Approved: March 9, 2017.

Attest: Jana C. Cook

The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be March 9, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Riverside Town Hall.

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