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December 9, 2021 - Regular Meeting


The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Councilmembers present were Fred Lorenz, Ed Golden and Mark Helwick. Also present were Lee Ann Stephenson and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Those in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

MINUTES: Helwick moved with Golden seconding to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2021 meeting as presented. The motion passed.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Mayor Stephenson told the council he and the clerk had discussed transferring funds from the town’s general fund to the WYOSTAR and WGIF general accounts. The clerk said she would like to transfer $120,000.00 with equal amounts going into the investment accounts. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the transfer of $60,000.00 to the WYOSTAR general fund account and $60,000.00 to the WGIF general fund account. The motion passed. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the financial statement as presented and pay bills in the amount of $15,727.88. The motion passed.

INTRODUTION OF GUESTS: Mayor Stephenson introduced Lee Ann Stephenson.


CCCOG: No report.


PARKS: New Playground Equipment: Mayor Stephenson told the council Taggart Castleton had sent the invoices for his signature. The invoice for the Town of Riverside is in the amount of $34,814.87. Golden moved with Helwick and Lorenz both seconding to approve Mayor Stephenson signing the purchase order for the playground equipment. The motion passed. It was decided to let Mackenzie Rakness pick the colors for the equipment.

SEWER: Rates and Connection Fees: The council reviewed an application for sewer service submitted by Shawn and Linda Brown for Block 6, Lot 4. Mr. and Mrs. Brown asked if the tap fee could be $1,000.00 since discussion began before the November 18, 2021 meeting when residential sewer tap fees were raised. The council agreed that the resolution raising the tap fee had not been approved yet, so the $1,000.00 was acceptable. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the sewer tap application. The motion passed.

STREETS: Snow Removal Bids: The council reviewed two bids for snow removal. The first submitted by Brad Hebig was for $150.00 per hour with a two hour minimum. Hebig wrote the price increase was due to the increase in fuel cost. The second bid was from Bridger Fabrication for $85.00 per hour per machine. The one stipulation was the operator’s discretion on the start time. He will plow when there is 4” to 6” of snow and would start by 5:00 am. The clerk told the council she lost an envelope from Platte Valley Forest Management and did not know if the envelope contained a snow plow bid or not. She had tried to contact John Anderson, but had not. Lorenz moved with Helwick seconding to approve the bid from Bridger Fabrication for the winter of 2021-2022. The motion passed.



MOSQUITO: No report.

90 DAYS DELINQUENT: No report.


ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.

ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Mayor Stephenson had two items, both Public Notices. The first was a renewal permit application for the Sinclair Land Treatment Facility #2. The second public notice was from the City of Rawlins for a renewal permit for the Rawlins Transfer Station. There was no discussion.


PLATTE VALLEY ARTS COUNCIL: The clerk told the council the town has been a Patron of the Platte Valley Arts Council. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to continue as a Patron for $200.00. The motion passed.


STORAGE BUILDING: Mayor Stephenson said the safe has been removed from the shed. Mr. Burke gave the town $200.00.


RIVERSIDE RESOLUTION 2021-3; RESIDENTIAL SEWER TAP FEE INCREASE: This resolution was written in accordance to Riverside Ordinance 206, Section 7, requiring a resolution to raise the fees. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the resolution. The motion passed.

HOLIDAY CLOSINGS: ½ DECEMBER 21, 2021, DECEMBER 23, 2021, DECEMBER 30, 2021. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the closings. The motion passed.

With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.

Jana C. Cook _____________________________

Leroy Stephenson, Mayor

Approved: January 13, 2022.


Jana C. Cook

The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be on January 13, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.

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