Town of Riverside
Regular Meeting
May 12,2022
The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Fred Lorenz and Ed Golden. Also in attendance were Lee Ann Stephenson, Sandy Martin, Janice White and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook. Councilmember Mark Helwick joined the meeting by Zoom at 6:40 pm.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES: The minutes of the April 14, 2022 meeting were reviewed by the council. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the minutes. The motion passed.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: One of the invoices submitted for payment was by Brad Heibig in the amount of $3,914.66. Mayor Stephenson explained to the council the hours and how much work went into the installation of the playground equipment at Rick Martin Memorial Park. Golden said he was pleased that the installation of the equipment was done professionally. Lorenz moved with Golden seconding to approve the financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $18,035.30. The motion passed. This amount includes a Specific Purpose Tax Requisition for $1,368.75.
Sandy Martin and Janice White: Mrs. Martin and Mrs. White came before the council to donate to the Town of Riverside a clock made by Dick Martin.. The clock was made in 1980 from Alaska Cottonwood and the hour designations were made by Mrs. White from rocks found in Wyoming. She explained what each stone was. Mayor Stephenson thanked them for the clock.
CCCOG: May 18, 2022 Meeting Agenda: Council read the agenda for the May 2022 meeting in Saratoga. Mayor Stephenson said Councilmember Helwick is planning to attend.
SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: The clerk told the council Riverside Representative Helen Weiland is attending a budget meeting by Zoom tonight.
PARKS: It was decided to ask if the Bear Trap would be able to provide sandwiches for Riverside Party Day. There has been no response from the Saratoga Sandwich Shop. There was discussion about the lawn mower Helen Weiland has chosen. She would like the town to purchase a Ariens Edge 42” mower. Mayor Stephenson questioned if there is enough clearance to cut the grass at the park. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the purchase of the mower for $3,199.00. The motion passed. The clerk will contact Weiland to order the mower from Shively Hardware.
SEWER: Mayor Stephenson told the council Homeland Security Carbon County Director Lenny Layman checked the sewer system to see if there were possible security problems. Layman said the system was simple and security was not a problem. There was discussion about the berms at the lagoon and how to repair muskrat damage. Brad Heibig has concrete chunks that could possibly fill the holes. Golden suggested filling with bentonite.
STREETS: Stephenson said he and Lorenz put Harrington’s fence up. The fence was taken down during the winter so snow could be pushed into the pasture.
SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Lee Ann Stephenson told the council the board accepted the bid from Amtec in the amount of $198,180.00 for tank lining. The board has received permission from Encampment to hook onto their system for anywhere from 14 to 21 days during the tank project.
SPECIFIC PURPOSE TAX: Council approved the 8th requisition in the amount of $1,368.75.
MOSQUITO: Town of Encampment fogging bid; WY Dept. of Ag grant changes: The council read a letter from the Town of Encampment offering a bid of $75.00 per hour with a minimum of one hour for mosquito fogging of Riverside and Cherokee Meadows. Lorenz moved with Golden seconding to approve the bid. The motion passed. The clerk told the council she had sent a grant request to the Wyoming Department of Agriculture for $2,000.00. The acceptance letter came back with three changes-*submit a corrected application for the amount of $2,300.00; * town personnel complete the University of Wyoming mosquito Management Course; * submit samples to programs with RAMP or PCR testing capabilities to determine the presense of West Nile Virus and report findings to Wyoming Department of Health. There was discussion about the added requirements for a grant of $2,300.00. The clerk said she would like to go for one year without the state funding, because the main cost will be fogging by Encampment. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to decline the grant for this year. The motion passed.
90 Days Delinquent: No report.
ZONING/BUILDING: Zoning Change; Building Compartments Rocking R Storage: Mayor Stephenson said he had received emails from potential developer Eric Rolseth about the four units he hopes to build in 2022. There are two along Riverside Ave., and two along Welton Ave. Rolseth said he would require a zoning change from industrial to residential for the two on Riverside Ave. Stephenson said a zoning change will not be required because a residence can be built in an area zoned industrial. Any action was tabled until Stephenson talks with Mr. Rolseth. Rocking R Storage submitted a building application for two commercial storage containers. The containers are 8X20 and 8X40. Golden said these two containers are adjacent to the ones already there. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the application. The motion passed.
ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda.
CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence.
Ordinance 228-FY 2022-2023 Budget -Second Reading: Council discussed projects and funding for those projects. Mayor Stephenson indicated he would like $100,000.00 budgeted for Rick Martin Memorial Park improvements. Lorenz said the $20,000.00 budgeted for streets should be sufficient. The clerk asked the council about salary increases, Mayor Stephenson said that will be discussed before the third reading of the budget. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve Ordinance 228 on 2nd Reading. The motion passed.
Change Depository-Rawlins National Bank: The clerk withdrew her request to get information about changing depositories from Bank of the West to Rawlins National Bank. Accounts will remain at Bank of the West.
Set Mil Levy-FY 2022-2023-8 Mils: Helwick moved with Golden seconding to set the mil levy at 8 mils for the next fiscal year. The clerk will send a letter to Carbon County Clerk Gwynn Bartlett informing her of the decision.
Riverside Resolution 2022-1-Amending 2019 Specific Purpose Tax Escrow Account Agreement: Mayor Stephenson told the council approval of this resolution is necessary because of an oversite when creating the joint powers board. This resolution will give the Carbon County Treasurer authority to pay administrative fees and expenses to the joint powers board. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the resolution. The motion passed.
UPRSWDD contract-July 1, 2022-June 30, 2025: The copy of the contract submitted by the clerk had an administrative expense of .58 per month per municipally billed user. The current rate is .60. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the contract, contingent on the amount changes to .60 per bill. The motion passed.
Vacation Request-June 13-26, 2022: Lorenz moved with Golden seconding to approve the clerk’s vacation request. The motion passed.
With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Jana C. Cook _______________________
Leroy Stephenson, Mayor
Approved: June 9, 2022.
Jana C. Cook
The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be June 9, 2022 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.