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May 11, 2023 Regular Meeting


Updated: Jun 12, 2023

The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:15 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Ed Golden was the single councilmember in attendance. Councilmember Mark Helwick participated by telephone. Also in attendance were Yvonne Johnson representing Carbon County Economic Development Corporation, Lee Ann Stephenson, Mike Tommervik and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was not recited because of the late meeting start time.

MINUTES: Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the minutes of the April 13, 2023 regular meeting as presented. The motion passed.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Mayor Stephenson reviewed the upaid bills report with Golden and Helwick. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $242,674.31. The motion passed. This amount includes a payment to High Plains Foam Building in the amount of $51,100.00, partial payment for construction of the park restrooms and a Specific Purpose Tax requisition request in the amount of $180,949.75.


Mike Tommervik: Mr. Tommervik submitted a letter to the council expressing interest in serving as Riverside representative on the Carbon County Visitors Council. Mayor Stephenson expressed appreciation to Tomervik for the letter. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the appointment. The motion passed. The clerk will send a letter to the Carbon County Visitors Council.

Yvonne Johnson -Carbon County Economic Development Corporation: Ms. Johnson came before the council to talk of 2022 activities. She traveled 15,792 miles in Carbon County and 3,800 outside the county. She talked of the many business contacts she has, and possible projects in Carbon County that will bring "good paying jobs". Mayor Stephenson thank her for the report.


CCCOG: The next meeting will be May 17, 2023 in Encampment.


PARKS: Mayor Stephenson said the restroom project is "hurdling along toward completion". Robert Dailey and Helen Weiland will take care of the park this summer.

SEWER: Mayor Stephenson said the operators are doing maintenance at the lagoons.

STREETS: Mayor Stephenson reported the intersection of First and Welton has been repaired.

SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Council reviewed the minutes of the April 2023 meeting .Lee Ann Stephenson reported the water leak was found and repaired near First and Welton. This leak was causing a loss of approximately 660,000 gallons of water a month. She said the First Street water line project pre bid meeting is May 17, 2023. The project will begin around August 1, 2023.

SPECIFIC PURPOSE TAX: Requisition #20-$180,949.75: The requisition was approved.

MOSQUITO: No report.

90 DAYS DELINQUENT: The clerk told the council there is still one delinquent account. No payment has been received.

ZONING/BUILDING: The council received two applications for fences. Helwick moved with Golden seconding to approve the application from Peggy Huntley for a fence around her property. The motion passed. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the application from Shawn and Linda Brown for two privacy fences on Block 6, Lot 3 in Riverside. The motion passed.

ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.


Grand Encampment Cowboy Gathering: The council read a letter from Katie Stremel stating this is the 21st anniversary of the gathering. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to purchase advertising in the program for $500.00. The motion passed.


Riverside Ordinance #229-FY 2023-2024 Budget-2nd Reading: There was discussion about the suggested changes at the first reading. No other changes were made, with the third and final reading in June. Helwick moved with Golden seconding to approve Ordinance 229 on 2nd reading. The motion passed.


Set Mil Levy-FY 2023-2024-8 Mils: There was a short discussion about the mil levy and property assessment. Helwick moved with Golden seconding to approve setting the mil levy at 8 mils for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The motion passed.

Transfer funds from General fun to WYOSTAR and WGIF: This item was tabled until the June 2023 meeting.

With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:58 pm.

Jana C. Cook ____________________________

Leroy Stephenson, Mayor

Approved: June 8,2023


Jana C. Cook

The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be June 8, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.

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