The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Ed Golden, Linda Brown and Mark Helwick. Also present were Helen Weiland representing South Central WY EMSJPB, Lee Ann Stephenson and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
PUBLIC HEARING-LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL: Mayor Stephenson convened the public hearing at 6:01 pm. The clerk told the council both applications were in order. There were no comments about the two applications. The public hearing was adjourned at 6:06 pm.
Barebones, Inc., DBA Bear Trap Cafe and Bar: Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve the renewal application of Barebones, Inc. The motion passed.
Taylor River, LLC., DBA The Mangy Moose: Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve the renewal application for Taylor River, LLC. The motion passed.
The clerk said neither establishment had requested 24 hour permits for the upcoming year.
MINUTES: May 9, 2024, Regular Meeting: Mayor Stephenson requested a change in the wording in the sewer report. He would like the report to read "Mayor Stephenson reported council members Helwick and Lorenz and Liam Lorenz took a tour of the sewer lagoon. DEQ personnel and independent contractors examined the system Stephenson said personnel spent 3 hours going over everything and the contractors will come back with a report. Helwick moved with Brown seconding to approve the minutes with the suggested changes. The motion passed.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Council reviewed the financial statement and the unpaid bills report. There was discussion about the Chokecherry Impact Assistance funds. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $17,139.85. The motion passed.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: There were no guests.
CCCOG: Helwick reported he went to the meeting in Dixon, riding with Elk Mountain Mayor Morgan Irene. He said there were 8 people at the meeting.
South Central WY EMSJPB: Appoint Riverside Representative Gayle Wessell: Weiland told the council the service will have to take money from the reserves to balance the budget. There was discussion about ambulance service crossing state lines. She recommended appointing Gayle Wessell to a four-year term on the joint powers board. Brown moved with Golden seconding to appoint Wessell as the Riverside representative to the joint powers board. The motion passed.
PARKS: New Restroom Damage: Mayor Stephenson told the council the restroom is in front of the # 1 tee of the disk golf course. Golfers are teeing off and trying to go over the building but are hitting and denting the side. He has no idea of the cost of repairs. He said the # 1 tee has been moved.
SEWER: Mayor Stephenson said a battery blew up when personnel were testing the sewer lift station.
STREETS: There was discussion about the condition of the streets, with the council agreeing they are "looking great!" Culvert cleaning will be one of the next projects. Mayor Stephenson brought to the table the possibility of changing the name of a street in Riverside to honor long time councilmember Fred Lorenz. Possible name changes were suggested with Lorenz Lane the most favored. Brown moved with Golden seconding to change the name of Shoshone Ave. to Lorenz Lane. The motion passed. The clerk will write a resolution to formally make the change.
SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Lee Ann Stephenson said some properties have new water meters and there is discussion about a slight rate increase to take effect after the first of the year.
SHERIFF MONTHLY REPORT: Patrol Report May 2024: It was reported there were 15/01 total patrol hours in May 2024.
MOSQUITO: Fogging began on June 10, 2024.
90 DAYS DELINQUENT: There were no delinquent accounts.
ZONING/BUILDING: Rick and Lisa Lorenz submitted a building permit application to extend their deck to the end of their house and construct a new walkway. Golden said he had reviewed the application and everything is in order. He recommended approval of the application. Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve the application. The motion passed.
ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda.
Carbon County Visitors Council Member-at-Large Nomination: The council read a letter from CCVC Director Leslie Jefferson telling the council Encampment resident John Farr had an interest in applying for the at large position. Mayor Stephenson noted Farr was a long- time member of the board. Golden moved with Brown seconding to approve the nomination of John Farr to the CCVC board. The motion passed.
PUBLIC HEARING-BUDGET AMENDMENT ORDINANCE # 229 FY 2023-2024: Mayor Stephenson called the public hearing to order at 6:55 pm. He read the proposed amendment and asked if anyone had any comments or questions. There were none. Mayor Stephenson adjourned the pbulic hearing at 6:59 pm.
PUBLIC HEARING-ORDINANCE # 230-fy 2024-2025 BUDGET: Mayor Stephenson called the public hearing to order at 7:02 pm. He asked council members if they were satisfied with the proposed budget. No one commented. Mayor Stephenson adjourned the pubic hearing at 7:06 pm
Ordinance # 230-FY 2024-2025 Budget Third and Final Reading: There was no discussion concerning the proposed budget it. Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve Ordinance # 230 on third and final reading. The motion was approved.
Amendment to Ordinance # 229 FY 2023-2024 Budget Amendment Third and Final Reading:
There was no discussion concerning the proposed budget amendment. Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve the amendment or Ordinance # 229 on third and final reading. The motion passed.
Approve Blanket Voucher FY 2024-2025: Mayor Stephenson explained the blanket voucher is necessary so payroll checks can be issued before the regular council meeting on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Brown moved with Golden seconding to approve the blanket voucher in the amount of $64,950.00. The motion passed.
FEMA Map: Mayor Stephenson told the council he met with Ken Johnson with FEMA and learned Riverside is in good standing, so residents are eligible for floor insurance. FEAM will send the final flood plain map and a letter of final determination. An ordinance dealing with the flood zone needs to be written. Stephenson said he would take the lead on writing the ordinance-he said the target date for completion will be December 19, 2024.
At 7:15 pm Mayor Stephenson called for an executive session to deal with personnel. The executive session ended at 7:20 pm. Mayor Stephenson stated for the record that no action was taken during the executive session.
Brown moved with Golden seconding to approve a salary increase from $10.00/Hr. to $15.00/Hr. for park employee Robert Dailey. The motion passed.
Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve a salary increase from $15.00/Hr. to $18.00/Hr. for park supervisor Helen Weiland. The motion passed.
With no further business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Jana C. Cook Leroy Stephenson, Mayor
Approved: July 11, 2024.
Jana C. Cook
The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be July 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.