The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 5:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Those in attendance were Council elect Linda Brown, Council elect Lisa Lorenz, Lee Ann Stephenson, Liz Swynarczuk and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook. Carbon County Comet reporter K.J. Schricker and Council elect Mark Helwick arrived at 5:25 pm.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.
OATH OF OFFICE: Mayor Stephenson administered the Oath of Office to Linda Brown and Lisa Lorenz at 5:05 pm. He administered the Oath of Office to Mark Helwick at 5:25 pm. All three councilmembers took their seats at the table.
MINUTES: Council reviewed the minutes of the December 12,2024 regular meeting. There were no corrections or changes. Lorenz moved with Brown seconding to approve the minutes of the December 12,2024 meeting as presented. The motion passed.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: There were no questions concerning the financial statement or the Unpaid Bills report. Brown moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $13,980.52. The motion was approved.
Liz Swynarczuk: Ms. Swynarczuk came before the council with two questions. She asked if more streetlights had been added by Carbon Power and Light to 2nd Street. Mayor Stephenson said there were no new lights, the nonworking bulbs have just been replaced. There were no working lights on 2nd Street. She then asked if there have been complaints about trucks coming through town. She said she believes there is more traffic through town because drivers are using GPS. There was discussion about GPS and problems associated with it.
CCCOG: No report.
SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: No report. Approved minutes were emailed to the council.
PARKS: 2025 Riverside Party Day Food: Lorenz had nothing to report about food, but asked the item be left on the agenda.
SEWER: Mayor Stephenson said discharging has begun-he took wastewater samples to Laramie today. He told the council he believes algae was clouding the water so the UV system could not work properly, making e-coli readings high.
STREETS: Lorenz asked if she should call Jeff Harrington to see if the fence on Welton Street can be taken down for the winter. Mayor Stephenson said it's easier to take down before the snow gets deep. Lorenz said she would call Harrington.
SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Lee Ann Stephenson said there was a public hearing during the board meeting on January 8, 2025. There was no opposition to the proposed rate increase. The $5.00 per tap increase will go into effect in February 2025.
SHERIFF MONTHLY REPORT: Patrol Report December 2024: MOU expires 2/14/25: 10 hours and 23 minutes of patrol time was reported for December 2024. There was discussion about the MOU and if the council was interested in renewing for another year. Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve renewing for another year. The motion passed. Mayor Stephenson said he would contact Sheriff Bakken to discuss renewing the MOU.
MOSQUITO: No report.
90 DAYS DELINQUENT: There were no delinquent accounts.
ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: There were no additions to the agenda.
CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence.
PUBLIC HEARING: Ordinance # 223 Burning in Riverside: Mayor Stephenson called the public hearing to order at 5:40 pm. He read aloud the ordinance and asked if there were any comments or any discussion. There were no comments or discussion.
Mayor Stephenson adjourned the public hearing at 5:47 pm.
Ordinance # 223-Burning in Riverside-3rd and Final Reading: There was no discussion about Ordinance # 223. Helwick moved with Lorenz seconding to approve Ordinance # 223-Burning in Riverside on 3rd and Final Reading. The motion passed.
Edge of town business signs: Brown told the council she has been looking at different sizes and materials for the signs. She also said there may be grant money available to help with the cost. She will decide on a design and get a price for the next council meeting.
2025 Financial Disclosure: Council declared in writing they have received no pecuniary benefit or have financial interest in BMO, WYOSTAR, or Wyoming Government Investment Fund. This is a required pursuant to W.S. 6-5-118(a).
Dog Clinic-January 18, 2025-Encampment foyer: The 18th annual dog vaccination and licensing clinic will be on Saturday. The Riverside clerk will not attend, but will post a sign about dog licenses available at the Riverside Town Hall.
With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm.
Jana C. Cook ___________________________
Leroy Stephenson, Mayor
Approved: February 13, 2025
The next regular meeting for the Riverside Town Council will be February 13, 2025 at 5:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.
Jana C. Cook