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November 10, 2022 Regular Meeting


Town of Riverside

Regular Meeting

November 10, 2022

The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Ed Golden, Fred Lorenz and Mark Helwick. Also present were Helen Weiland representing South Central WY EMS, Virginia Parker representing the Saratoga Sun, and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook. Stayton Mosbey, director of South Central WY EMS arrived at 6:12 pm.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


October 13, 2022 Regular Meeting, October 27, 2022 Special Meeting: Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2022 regular meeting. The motion passed. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the minutes of the October 27, 2022 special meeting. The motion passed.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Lorenz moved with Helwick seconding to approve the financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $12,785.51. This amount includes a Specific Purpose Tax Requisition in the amount of $363.00. The motion passed.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Mayor Stephenson introduced Helen Weiland, Virginia Parker and Lee Ann Stephenson.


CCCOG: No report.

SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: Resolution 2022-5: the resolution authorizes submission of a Wyoming Department of Health EMS regionalization pilot project grant on behalf of South Central Wyoming EMS to educate EMS personnel and acquisition of two quick response vehicles. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the resolution and allow Mayor Stephenson to sign it. The motion passed.

PARKS: New Restrooms: The council reviewed the proposed Park Restroom Request for Bids packet completed by Mayor Stephenson. The clerk will mail bid request information to contractors in the area, with advertising beginning the week of December 5, 2022. There will be a pre-bid meeting on January 14, 2023 at the Riverside Town Hall at a to be determined time. Bids will be accepted until 5:00 pm on February 9, 2023. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the dates for the bidding process of the park restrooms. The motion passed. Mayor Stephenson said park benches have been installed and he complimented Robert Dailey on his hard work this summer.

SEWER: No report.

STREETS: No report.

SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Board Expiration-Terry Campbell’s seat: The council read a letter from Stacey Erickson, Sierra Madre Water & Sewer Joint Powers Board Clerk, that the one-year rotating district/town term expires on December 31, 2022. The clerk told the council she spoke to Terry Campbell and he has agreed to serve another one year term. Lorenz moved with Golden seconding to approve the Campbell reappointment. The motion passed.

SPECIFIC PURPOSE TAX: Lee Ann Stephenson told the council John Smith has resigned from the Sierra Madre Joint Powers Board. The clerk told the Dave Cousins will be at the next meeting to see if he is interested in serving the remainder of Smith’s term.

MOSQUITO: No report.


ZONING/BUILDING: No applications.

ACTION ITEMS: There were none.

ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: The clerk asked the council to consider starting the regular council meetings one hour earlier (5:00 pm) during the winter months. There was discussion about when to begin the early meetings and when to go back to a later start time. The clerk suggested beginning the 5:00 pm start time in November at the beginning of daylight standard time and end in April after the beginning of daylight saving time. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the meeting time change. The motion passed. The clerk will write a resolution for approval at the December council meeting.


SANDY MARTIN: The council reviewed a list of holiday activities in the valley.

LGLP BOARD NOMINATIONS: The clerk told the council she had received a request for board nominations from Local Government Liability Pool. No council member expressed interest.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business.

NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business.

With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Jana C. Cook ________________________

Leroy Stephenson, Mayor

Approved: December 8, 2022.


Jana C. Cook

The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be December 8, 2022 at 5:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.

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