The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Linda Brown, Lisa Lorenz, Ed Golden and Mark Helwick. Also in attendance were Lee Ann Stephenson, Dean Webb and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
MINUTES: June 13, 2024 Regular Meeting: Mayor Stephenson had one correction to the June 13,2024 regular meeting minutes. He would like to change the name of Ken Johnson to Kim Johnson in the FEMA map report. Lorenz moved with Brown seconding to approve the minutes of the June 13,2024 regular meeting with the one change. The motion passed.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Council reviewed the financial statement and the unpaid bills report. Brown moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the June 2024 financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $23,910.76. The motion passed.
Mayor Stephenson introduced Dean Webb.
CCCOG: Helwick said there was no meeting this past month. He said the next meeting will be in August. Helwick plans to set up a meeting with CCCOG Chairman Morgan Irene.
South Central WY EMSJPB: No report
PARKS: No report.
SEWER: Mayor Stephenson said backup wastewater operator Tausha Pate has been terminated. She has not been on the schedule for some time. The mayor said he has hired Frank Martin who has previous wastewater experience in Colorado.
STREETS: Lorenz told the council potholes have been patched, some street speed signs have been replaced. She said she is working with John Anderson on getting road base. There was discussion where to put another speed sign, possibly around the corner from Cottonwood Cabins turning onto 2nd Street.
SIERRA MADRE JOINT POWERS BOARD: Lee Ann Stephenson reported the board is working on clarification in wording in board policies.
SHERIFF MONTHLY REPORT: Patrol Report June 2024: Sheriff Bakken reported 19 hours, 26 minutes of patrol hours for the month of June. Mayor Stephenson said the MOU calls for 12 hours per month in the summer and asked if anyone had seen a patrol vehicle in Riverside. There were hands raised and Mr. Webb told the mayor "they're doing their job."
MOSQUITO: Fogging in Riverside and surrounding areas continues.
90 DAYS DELINQUENT: There are no delinquent accounts.
ZONING/BUILDING: Mr. Webb asked the council what was going on across Highway 70. Mayor Stephenson said he has seen the plans for the development and progress is being held up by the Army Corps of Engineers.
ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Helwick expressed concern about bears being a nuisance in Riverside. He suggested looking into the cost of bear proof trash containers. There was discussion about the two bears seen in Riverside and Encampment and the possibility of the attraction from the dumpster at the Bear Trap. Stephenson said the Bear Trap does as good a job in covering garbage as a restaurant can do. Stephenson said he would talk to Sue Jones about bear proof containers.
CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence.
FEMA: Mayor Stephenson told the council he has been working on the proposed ordinance dealing with FEMA mapping and it is now shortened to 26 pages. He said the ordinance will state the town is aware how FEMA has mapped Riverside and if something were to happen how to apply for FEMA funds. No resident would be able to apply for FEMA funds if the ordinance is not approved. Stephenson will send the proposed ordinance to FEMA representative Kim Johnson for approval. A letter of final determination will be issued. When that happens, the council can begin the process of adopting the ordinance. Mr. Webb suggest having Carbon County FEMA director Lenny Layman read the proposed ordinance. Helwick moved with Golden seconding to proceed with the proposed ordinance and send to Kim Johnson. The motion was approved.
Resolution 2024-1-Authorizing the Town of Riverside to change the name of Shoshone Ave. to Lorenz Lane: Mr. Webb expressed concern with the change because he owns property on both sides of Shoshone. Mayor Stephenson said this resolution deals with the maintained portion of the street-150 feet in front of the Lorenz residence. There was no other discussion. Brown moved with Helwick seconding to approve Resolution 2024-1. The motion passed.
With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Jana C. Cook Leroy Stephenson, Mayor
Approved: August 8, 2024.
The next regular meeting of the Riverside Town Council will be August 8, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall.