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February 2023 Regular Meeting


Updated: Mar 14, 2023

Town of Riverside

Regular Meeting

February 9. 2023

The Riverside Town Council met in regular session at 5:00 pm at the Riverside Town Hall with Mayor Leroy Stephenson presiding. Council members present were Fred Lorenz, Ed Golden and Mark Helwick. Also in attendance was Helen Weiland representing South Central WY EMSJPB and Riverside Clerk/Treasurer Jana C. Cook.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Stephenson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

MINUTES: Golden told the clerk he wished she had written in the January minutes he had complimented Brian and John Anderson on plowing the streets. He said there are people in Riverside and in Encampment that are saying he was not pleased with the plowing. The clerk told Golden she would write in the February minutes he was pleased with the snow removal. Golden moved with Lorenz seconding to approve the minutes of the January 12, 2023 meeting as presented. The motion passed.

FINANCIAL STATEMENT/BILLS: Mayor Stephenson made a comment about the amounts distributed by the State of Wyoming for direct distribution, sales and use, and federal mineral royalty taxes. The clerk said she uses the amount suggested by the state as a starting point for the budget numbers. There was also discussion about the line items of back up waste water operator and waste water operator salaries. The clerk said Dave Cogswell’s salary is in the waste water operator line and Katrina Nuhn and Tausha Pate’s salaries are in the back up waste water line. There being no other questions, Lorenz moved with Helwick seconding to approve the financial statement and pay bills in the amount of $26,76321. The motion passed. This amount includes a Specific Purpose Tax requisition in the amount of $10.254.00.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Mayor Stephenson introduced Helen Weiland.


CCCOG: Helwick told the council there had been a problem with his email address and he was not receiving CCCOG information. He said the problem has been corrected.

SOUTH CENTRAL WY EMSJPB: Weiland asked the council if they had received the December talking points and were there any questions. There were none. She talked about the USDA grant and that those monies will be used for an ambulance based in Hanna. That grant will free up money from a SLIB application for an additional new ambulance. Helwick asked Weiland if there is a major medical event where would a helicopter land. Weiland said the area of the football field at the Encampment school. There was a lengthy discussion about transporting patients with Weiland telling the council Wyoming State Statute reads a patient shall be transported to the closest facility that has the medical staff to treat the patient.

PARKS: New Restrooms Bid Opening: Mayor Stephenson said the town received one bid for the restrooms-High Plains Foam Building Systems in the amount of $79,000.00. The town advertised for bids in the Saratoga Sun and sent mailing to contractors in the area. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the bid from High Plains Foam Building Systems. The motion passed. Golden asked Weiland about maintenance at the river access. She said she takes cares of the trash and the town orders a porta potty to use during float season.

SEWER: Stephenson told the council Brad Heibig plowed the road to the lagoons. There was no other report.

SPECIFIC PURPOSE TAX: The council approved requisition #17 in the amount of $10,254.00 earlier in the meeting.

MOSQUITO: No report.

90 DAYS DELINQUENT: There is one delinquent account.

ZONING/BUILDING: Huntley Permit: Golden said he spoke to Ms. Huntley and she agrees with postponing action until March. He said he has asked that stakes be placed where the building will be constructed.

ACTION ITEMS: There were no action items.

ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: The clerk told the council the stop sign at First Street and Carbon is gone. Mayor Stephenson said he thinks it is under the snow across the street in the lamb pasture.

CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence.


GRAND ENCAMPMENT MUSEUM: The council again read a letter from the museum requesting a $500.00 donation to help with paying utilities. The clerk said she spoke to Encampment Town Clerk Doreen Harvey and got copies of a letter and an agreement used when sending money to organizations. Helwick said he supported the amount of the donation saying “it’s not a lot of money” to help the museum. Mayor Stephenson told the clerk to send a letter stipulating what the donation will be used for. Golden moved with Helwick seconding to approve the donation and sending the letter. The motion passed.

2023 CHRISTMAS LIGHTING CONTEST: The clerk told the council Doreen Harvey said Encampment has no written rules for their contest. Talk was about the contest being for residents in Riverside, Cherokee Meadows and Blackhall Mountain. The clerk suggested waiting until later in the year to contact someone to chair the contest and determine prizes. The council agreed.

With no other business being brought before the council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm.

Attest: _______________________

Leroy Stephenson, Mayor

Approved: March 9, 2023

Jana C. Cook


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Riverside, WY 82325


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